Schools area
Here you can get hold of activity packs, posters, bookmarks, schools resources and more for Matt Haig’s children’s books.

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Matt Haig Mega Festive Activity Pack
An activity pack with a wordsearch, spot the difference, a maze and more – download this mega activity pack to use at home or in school. Featuring all of your Matt Haig festive favourites!

The Truth Pixie Goes to School Activity Pack
An activity pack with a wordsearch, spot the difference, a maze and more – download this The Truth Pixie Goes to School activity pack to use at home or in school.

The Truth Pixie Goes to School Poster
‘Don’t try to be someone you really are not / Your one true self is the best thing you’ve got’. Get this poster and print it out – whether it’s to decorate your bedroom, a classroom or a bookshop! It can be printed up to A3, but will also work just fine A4.

The Truth Pixie Goes to School Bookmarks
Print your own two-sided bookmarks, featuring none other than The Truth Pixie.
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